ATMEGA328P-PU microcontroller with pre-loaded Arduino UNO bootloader.
Can be used to replace the Arduino UNO microcontroller or to build an Arduino compatible board.
This board have a built-in 4-digit 7-segment LED display and it requires a minimum of only one I/O line to control it. It is possible to control the display through two different communication interfaces: Serial TTL or I2C
This board is equipped with a Circular LED Bar with 16 independent LEDs, each of which illuminates two segments of the bar, for a total of 32 segments, thanks to which you can give an aesthetic touch to your projects.
This board is equipped with a Circular LED Bar with 16 independent LEDs, each of which illuminates two segments of the bar, for a total of 32 segments, thanks to which you can give an aesthetic touch to your projects.
The Easy Motor Controller allows to control the speed and the direction of rotation of a DC motor through three different possible inputs: analog (potentiometer), radio control RC, I2C digital communication.
Includes management of the limit switches
Extremely compact and light weight Digital Temperature Sensor, that use the famous Microchip's TCN75A sensor.
It is capable of reading temperatures from -40°C to +125°C with a precision of 0.0625°C.
The XBee to USB Adapter is an usefull tool that allows to connect Personal Computers or a microcontroller in wireless networks using the famous XBee wireless modules.
This board is usefull to convert the RS-232 PC Serial Port signals to logic level datas used in any digital board that uses a serial port with 3.3V or 5V level lines.
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